聖人に夢無し Seijin ni yume nashi.

  • 解釈:聖人は何時も心が安定していて雑念に捉われないから、安眠ができて夢を見ない。
  • Literal:A dream is nothing to a Saint.
  • Interpretation:Since a Saint's mind is always stable and he is not caught by idle thoughts, he can do good sleep and does not look at a dream. Since the Saints do not have idle thoughts, not dream. Because the saint doesn't have the worldly thoughts, it doesn't have the dream.
  • 類義:古の真人は其の寝るや夢見ず、其の覚むるや憂い無し。至人に夢無し。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.